Friday, April 27, 2012

Need a Video Card for a Dell - Inspiron Desktop with Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor?

I just bought a new comp. It's great, the only downside is I need to buy an actual video card. How would I go about looking for one? Do you guys have any recommendations about a card and installing it? THANKS!!!!!

Here's the link for more specs. if needed : Desktop with Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor-I560-4000NBK|||Well the big question is... which game titles do you want to play?

Your Dell's built-in INtel GMA4500 video chipset is fine for browsing the web and watching video clips on Youtube, but not cutting-edge games.

If you're just looking to play games like the Sims and World of Warcraft, then a $50 card like the Radeon 4650 is fine:……

For smooth gameplay in tougher fps titles like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 then you'll need a card in the $100 range, like a GeForce 9800GT or Radeon 5670:……

And for high-end games like Crysis you'd be looking at $150 and higher cards like the Radeon 5770.

Keep in mind that installing a video card more powerful than a Radeon 4670 will require you to upgrade the computer's power supply as well, adding another $40 to your total:…

Whatever you do, purchase your graphics card (and power supply, if needed) online from NewEgg, Tiger Direct or Amazon. Don't even think about Best Buy for those... their video card prices are sky-high by comparison!

List of best graphics cards in each price range below:

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