Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Looking for a Video Card for my PC?

I want to buy a new video card for my PC mainly for gaming. I don't know much about Video Cards so don't know for which one to go for. Every time a find a good one I find a better one I really don't know if the would really work on my PC. I'm using a Intel Desktop Board D191GgC Pentium 4. 2.67Ghz. 1.43GB RAM. PCI Express x16. Which video card, preferably Nvidia, would be the best for this computer. Thanks|||PCIx is the current platform, you need to know you power supply output also.

your question is quite ambiguous as you don't mention what you want your vid card to be capable of. your price range can vary from $100~$600.

so if you have a specific game in mind or interest like HD video editing, 3D modeling or just web browsing. you should edit or re submit your question after you fill in the blanks.

yes there is a "better" card every hour but better on what terms? if a $49 card plays solitaire and that's all you do a $600 card isn't necessarily better is it?|||For general purpose gaming... how about the PNY GeForce 8600 GT? It's a solid 512 MB DDR2 PCI-Express card with DVI and VGA out. You can pick one up from Tiger Direct for around $50. Link below:

EDIT: skh12 is correct by the way. You will need to provide additional info if you'd like more detailed feedback.

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